Algebraic Geometry
Dedicated to Alfredo Franchetta on the occasion of his ninetieth birthday

Special session at
Mathematics and its applications
a joint SIMAI-SMAI-SMF-UMI meeting
Torino, July 3–7, 2006



Birational classification of algebraic varieties, abelian varieties, enumerative geometry, Hilbert schemes,
Hodge theory, moduli spaces, vector bunldes, linear systems, hyperbolicity problems.


9,15-10,15 C. Voisin Absolute Hodge classes and Hodge loci
Coffee Break
10,40-11,20 C. Sorger Symplectic moduli spaces
11,30-12,10G. P. Pirola Linear Algebra and the cohomology of compact Kaehler varieties.
12,20-13 L. Caporaso On Abel maps of singular curves
15,15-16,15 M. Brion On the geometry of wonderful varieties
Coffee Break
16,40-17,20 A. Corti TBA
17,30-18,00 B. Toen On derived equivalence classes of algebraic varieties
