POST-DOC  POSITION  at the University of Roma Tre 

TITLE: Geometry of algebraic varieties and their moduli spaces.      


        The official call (in both italian and english) can be found here: Bando

        Send any question regarding the application procedure to melo (at)


You can find complete information regarding the application procedure in the official call of the position, which you should read in any case.
In short, what you should do is the following:

  1. Send the following documents:     

    by email to: melo(at) 

  2. Send the following documents:

       by ordinary mail to the adress: 

     Sig. Lo Presti Virgilio
     Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica, Universita' Roma Tre
     Largo San Leonardo Murialdo 1, 00146 Roma 

indicating you are applying for the following competition:
Geometry of algebraic varieties and their moduli spaces, protocol number 30.

     The envelope should arrive at destination by the 28th February of 2019, so send it as soon as possible.