POST-DOC  POSITION  at the University of Roma Tre 

TITLE: Geometry of algebraic varieties and their moduli spaces.      


        The official call (in both italian and english) can be found here: Bando

        Send any question regarding the application procedure to melo (at)


  1. Send the following documents:     

    • CV
    • List of publications and preprints (and for each paper a link where it can be downloaded, e.g. a journal web page, a personal homepage, arXiv)
    • A short research project (explaining the problems you are working on and the problems on which you would like to work in the near future)
    • The name of two mathematicians to which we could ask, if needed, a recommendation letter

    by email to: melo(at) 

  2. Send the following documents:

       by ordinary mail to the adress: 

     Sig. Lo Presti Virgilio
     Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica, Universita' Roma Tre
     Largo San Leonardo Murialdo 1, 00146 Roma 

     The envelope should arrive at destination by the 28th February of 2019, so send it as soon as possible.