How to reach
"Il Palazzone"?
The workshop will take place at Villa
Passerini, a monumental
palace in Cortona, also known as "Il Palazzone", which
is owned by the Scuola Normale Superiore.

Area surrounding "Il Palazzone"
town walls
"Il Palazzone" is located outside the old town massive
walls. It can be reached by a pleasant walk away from the center of
Cortona (about 1.5 Km; see the bottom of the map
of Cortona).
Road sign Via
G. Severini
You walk from the center of Cortona (Piazzale Garibaldi) on Via Gino


"Il Palazzone",
entrance gate
the way you will find several tourist signs for reaching "Il

Conference room
"Il Palazzone" (more
1. Map of Cortona

"Il Palazzone" is outside
of the map, as indicated by the red
arrow click on the map for a blow-up
2. Map of Cortona,
including the area surrounding "Il Palazzone"
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Last updated 1/10/2003 |