Invariant Hilbert schemes and resolutions of quotient singularities
Ronan Terperau (Institut Fourier de Grenoble)

Let G be a classical group (SL(V), GL(V), O(V),...) and X be the direct sum of p copies of the standard representation of G and q copies of its dual representation, where p and q are positive integers. We consider the invariant Hilbert scheme, denoted H, which parametrizes the G-stable closed subschemes Z of X such that k[Z] is isomorphic to the regular representation of G. In this talk, we will see that H is a smooth variety when the dimension of V is small, but that H is generally singular. When H is smooth, the Hilbert-Chow morphism H-->X//G is a canonical resolution of the singularities of the categorical quotient X//G (=Spec(k[X]^G)). Then it is natural to ask what are the good geometric properties of this resolution (for instance if it is crepant). To finish, we will mention some analogue results in the symplectic setting, that is to say by letting p=q and replacing X by the zero fiber of the moment map. The quotients that we get by doing this are isomorphic to the closures of nilpotent orbits, and the Hilbert-Chow morphism is a resolution of their singularities (sometimes a symplectic one).

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