to reach Cortona
- Firenze (mainly domestic flights), 120 Km
- Roma, Fiumicino "Leonardo da Vinci" Airport
(*), 200 Km
- Pisa "Galileo Galilei" Airport, 180 Km
- Milano, Malpensa or Linate
Airports, 420 Km
(*) The
Rome-Fiumicino Airport is connected to Roma-Termini (Main Railways Station),
"Leonardo Express"
non-stop train (35 minutes, 9,50 Euro) and to
Roma-Tiburtina Railways Station, by
FM1 train (42
minutes, 5 Euro).

Train Tickets must be stamped in the station (yellow machines) before
departure. |
Railways Line: Roma-Firenze-Milano
For on-line timetables, updated information and bookings use the
Trenitalia web site.
There are two Railways Stations:
- Terontola-Cortona (11 Km from Cortona) SUGGESTED
(there is a
- Camucia-Cortona (5 Km from Cortona)
(taxi available only
by phone.)
Bus Terontola-Camucia-Cortona
There is bus service from both
railway stations
Camucia-Cortona and
Terontola-Cortona to Cortona downtown bus terminal.
Bus tickets (1.65 Euro) can be bought
at all tobacconist and newspaper
stalls (but not on the buses). So remember to buy your tickets in advance (for
instance, at the newspaper stall inside the arrival station) and
always punch the ticket after getting onto the bus.
Schedule Terontola-Camucia-Cortona
Taxi Terontola-Cortona
The cost of a taxi ride from Terontola Station to Cortona is approximately
15 Euro
Taxi Shuttle
Motorway A1 (Autostrada del Sole, green in the map): exit "Valdichiana"
Just out of the Motorway A1, take the Highway Siena-Perugia S75BIS (yellow
on the map), direction Perugia
On this Highway there are four possible turns-off to Cortona (see the
local detailed road map)
a) Foiano-Cortona, via Manzano
b) Cortona, via Lauretana (suggested exit)
c) Pietraia-Cortona,
d) Castiglione del Lago-Cortona, via S.S. (State Road) No. 71.
In all cases, at Camucia, take the road toward Cortona (and Città
di Castello) (S.P. Umbro-Cortonese, Province Road).
Cortona Area Map |
Last Updated:
May 2, 2006