Abstracts and Lecture Notes


  • Booklet of the abstracts    [pdf,   pdf.zip]
  • The class group of an integral domain [pdf, pdf.zip]
    (series of lectures by D.F. Anderson)
  • Representations of integrally closed domains as intersections of valuation overrings
    [pdf:    1     2     3     4     references]
    (series of lectures by B. Olberding)






Instructions for the abstacts

In order to submit an abstract, download the Template.tex and fill out the fields ONLY USING Plain Tex commands. 

Please, DON'T USE ANY MACRO OR SPECIAL CHARACTER WHICH IS NOT POSSIBLE TO PROCESS IN TEX. The maximum allowed length of the abstract is of 1 page in the dvi format (all included: title, references, etc...). 

Rename the file with your last name. (Example: lastname.tex, lastname.dvi).

Then, send us (cortona2006mat.uniroma3.it) the file.tex and file.dvi of the abstract.  

We remind the speakers that deadline for submitting the abstract is April 20, 2006.

















Last Updated: June 20, 2006