2020 | |
Pietro Caputo, Daniel Parisi, Block factorization of the relative entropy via spatial mixing., arXiv:2004.10574, submitted | |
A. Faggionato, Miller-Abrahams random resistor network, Mott random walk and 2-scale homogenization, Preprint arxiv.2002.03441 | |
Raphael Cerf, Paolo Dai Pra, Marco Formentin, Daniele Tovazzi, Rhythmic behavior of an Ising Model with dissipation at low temperature, arXiv:2002.08244 | |
Bianchi, Alessandra; Lenci, Marco; Pène, Françoise, Continuous-time random walk between Lévy-spaced targets in the real line, Stochastic Process. Appl. 130 (2020), no. 2, 708–732 | |
2019 | |
N. Cancrini, G. Posta, Propagation of chaos for a balls into bins model, ECP Vol. 24, no. 1 (2019) 1-9. | |
Manzo, F.; Scoppola, E., Exact results on the first hitting via conditional strong quasi-stationary times and applications to metastability., J. Stat. Phys. 174 (2019), no. 6, 1239–1262. ![]() | |
Andreis, Luisa; Asselah, Amine; Dai Pra, Paolo, Ergodicity of a system of interacting random walks with asymmetric interaction, Ann. Inst. Henri Poincaré Probab. Stat. 55 (2019), no. 1, 590–606. | |
Crimaldi, Irene; Dai Pra, Paolo; Louis, Pierre-Yves; Minelli, Ida G., Synchronization and functional central limit theorems for interacting reinforced random walks, Stochastic Process. Appl. 129 (2019), no. 1, 70–101. | |
Dai Pra, Paolo; Tovazzi, Daniele, The dynamics of critical fluctuations in asymmetric Curie-Weiss models, Stochastic Process. Appl. 129 (2019), no. 3, 1060–1095. | |
Cecchin, Alekos; Dai Pra, Paolo; Fischer, Markus; Pelino, Guglielmo, On the convergence problem in mean field games: a two state model without uniqueness, SIAM J. Control Optim. 57 (2019), no. 4, 2443–2466. | |
Dai Pra, Paolo; Sartori, Elena; Tolotti, Marco, Climb on the bandwagon: consensus and periodicity in a lifetime utility model with strategic interactions, Dyn. Games Appl. 9 (2019), no. 4, 1061–1075 | |
Paolo Dai Pra, Marco Formentin, Guglielmo Pelino, A hierarchical mean field model of interacting spins, arXiv:1910.13469 | |
Paolo Dai Pra, Marco Formentin, Guglielmo Pelino, Oscillatory behavior in a model of non-Markovian mean field interacting spins, arXiv:1911.05373 | |
Bardi, Martino; Fischer, Markus, On non-uniqueness and uniqueness of solutions in finite-horizon mean field games, ESAIM Control Optim. Calc. Var. 25 (2019), Art. 44, 33 pp. | |
Bosi, G.; Campanino, M., Random walk on a randomly oriented honeycomb lattice, Markov Process. Related Fields 25 (2019), no. 1, 75–99 | |
Cecchin, Alekos; Pelino, Guglielmo, Convergence, fluctuations and large deviations for finite state mean field games via the master equation, Stochastic Process. Appl. 129 (2019), no. 11, 4510–4555 | |
L. Bertini, P. Buttà , A. Pisante, On large deviations of interface motions for statistical mechanics models, Ann. Henri Poincaré 20, 1785–1821 (2019) | |
N. Cancrini, G. Posta
, Propagation of chaos for a General Balls into Bins dynamics, Preprint arXiv:1906.03876 | |
N. Cancrini, G. Posta
, Propagation of chaos for a General Balls into Bins dynamics, Preprint arXiv:1906.03876
| |
A. Faggionato, M. Salvi, Regularity of biased 1D random walks in random environment, ALEA, Lat. Am. J. Probab. Math. Stat. 16, 1213-1248 (2019) | |
A.C. Barato, R. Chetrite, A. Faggionato, D. Gabrielli, A unifying picture of generalized thermodynamic uncertainty relations, J. Stat. Mech. 084017 (2019) | |
A. Faggionato, H.A. Mimun, Connection probabilities in the Poisson Miller–-Abrahams random resistor network and other Poisson random graphs with bounded edges, ALEA, Lat. Am. J. Probab. Math. Stat. 16, 463-486 (2019) | |
A. Faggionato, N. Gantert, M. Salvi, Einstein relation and linear response in one-dimensional Mott variable-range hopping, Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Probab. Statist. 55, 1477-1508 (2019) | |
A. Faggionato, H.A. Mimun, Left-right crossings in the Miller-Abrahams random resistor network on a Poisson point process, Preprint arXiv:1912.07482 | |
A. Faggionato, Stochastic homogenization in amorphous media and applications to exclusion processes, Preprint arXiv:1903.07311 | |
Charles Bordenave, Pietro Caputo, Justin Salez, Cutoff at the 'entropic time' for sparse Markov chains, Probability Theory and Related Fields 173, 2019 | |
Pietro Caputo, Dima Ioffe, Vitali Wachtel, Tightness and line ensembles for Brownian Polymers under Geometric Area Tilts, submitted, arXiv:1906.06533 | |
F. Martinelli, C. Toninelli, Towards a universality picture for the relaxation to equilibrium of kinetically constrained models, Annals of Probability | |
Fabio Martinelli, Shirshendu Ganguly, Upper triangular matrix walk: Cutoff for finitely many columns,, RANDOM STRUCTURES & ALGORITHMS | |
F. Martinelli, R. Morris, C. Toninelli, Universality Results for Kinetically Constrained Spin Models in Two Dimensions, Comm. Math. Phys. | |
L. Marˆech Ìe, F. Martinelli, C. Toninelli, Exact asymptotics for Duarte and supercritical rooted kinetically constrained models, Annals of Probability (to appear) | |
F. MARTINELLI, A. SHAPIRA, C. TONINELLI, Diffusive scaling of the Kob-Andersen model in d-dimension, Ann. H. Poincare' (to appear) | |
Pietro Caputo, Matteo Quattropani, Mixing time of PageRank surfers on sparse random digraphs, submitted, arXiv:1905.04993 | |
Pietro Caputo, Cyril Labbe', Hubert Lacoin, Mixing time of the adjacent walk on the simplex, submitted, arXiv:1904.01088 | |
L. Bertini, G. Posta, Boundary driven Brownian gas, ALEA, Lat. Am. J. Probab. Math. Stat. 16, 361-388 (2019)
| |
Apollonio, Valentina; D'Autilia, Roberto; Scoppola, Benedetto; Scoppola, Elisabetta; Troiani, Alessio, Criticality of measures on 2-d ising configurations: from square to hexagonal graphs, J.Stat.Phys. 177 (2019), no 5, 1009-1021 ![]() | |
F. Caravenna, R. Sun, N. Zygouras, The Dickman subordinator, renewal theorems, and disordered systems, Electron. J. Probab. 24 (2019), paper no. 101, 40 pp. | |
Pietro Caputo, Matteo Quattropani, Stationary distribution and cover time of sparse directed configuration models, arXiv:1909.05752 | |
F. Caravenna and R. Doney, Local large deviations and the strong renewal theorem, Electron. J. Probab. 24 (2019), paper no. 72, 1-48 | |
F. Caravenna, R. Sun, N. Zygouras, On the moments of the (2+1)-dimensional directed polymer and stochastic heat equation in the critical window, Commun. Math. Phys. 372 (2019), 385-440. | |
F. Caravenna, A. Garavaglia, R. van der Hofstad, Diameter in ultra-small scale-free random graphs, Random Structures Algorithms 54 (2019), 444-498 | |
Pietro Caputo, Matteo Quattropani, Mixing time trichotomy in regenerating dynamic digraphs , arXiv:1911.07025 | |
2018 | |
M. Fornasier, S. Lisini, C. Orrieri, G. Savaré, Mean-field optimal control as Gamma-limit of finite agent controls, Journal of Functional Analysis. To appear. Published online | |
L. Bertini, R. Chetrite, A. Faggionato, D. Gabrielli, Level 2.5 large deviations for continuous time Markov chains with time periodic rates, Ann. Henri Poincaré 19, 3197–3238 (2018) | |
Procacci, Aldo; Scoppola, Benedetto; Scoppola, Elisabetta, Effects of boundary conditions on irreversible dynamics, Ann. Henri Poincaré 19 (2018), no. 2, 443–462. ![]() | |
Andreis, Luisa; Dai Pra, Paolo; Fischer, Markus, McKean-Vlasov limit for interacting systems with simultaneous jumps, Stoch. Anal. Appl. 36 (2018), no. 6, 960–995. | |
Charles Bordenave, Pietro Caputo, Justin Salez,
| |
C. Orrieri, Large deviations for interacting particle systems: joint mean-field and small-noise limit, Preprint arXiv:1810.12636 | |
C.Orrieri, A. Porretta, G. Savaré, A variational approach to the mean field planning problem, Journal of Functional Analysis. Published online | |
Pietro Caputo, Dima Ioffe, Vitali Wachtel, Confinement of Brownian Polymers under Geometric Area Tilts , Electronic Journal of Probability 24, 2018 | |
F. Caravenna, R. Sun, N. Zygouras, The two-dimensional KPZ equation in the entire subcritical regime, Ann. Probab. (to appear), arXiv:1812.03911 | |
Campi, Luciano; Fischer, Markus, N-player games and mean-field games with absorption, Ann. Appl. Probab. 28 (2018), no. 4, 2188–2242 | |
Charles Bordenave, Pietro Caputo, Djalil Chafai, Konstantin Tikhomirov,
| |
F. Caravenna, On the maximum of conditioned random walks and tightness for pinning models, Electron. Commun. Probab. 23 (2018), paper n. 69, 13 pp. | |
Pietro Caputo, Alistair Sinclair, Entropy production in nonlinear recombination models, Bernoulli Journal 24, 3246-3282, 2018 | |
2017 | |
P. Chleboun, A. Faggionato, F. Martinelli, C. Toninelli, Mixing Length Scales of Low Temperature Spin Plaquettes Models , Journal of Statistical Physics | |
G. Dhariwal, M. Mariani, Z. Brzezniak, 2D Constrained Navier-Stokes Equations, J. Diff. Equations. In stampa | |
G. Di Gesù, M. Mariani, Full metastable asymptotic of the Fisher information, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis (SIMA) - In stampa | |
Charles Bordenave, Pietro Caputo and Djalil Chafai, Daniele Piras, Spectrum of large random Markov chains: Heavy-tailed weights on the oriented complete graph, Random Matrices Theory Appl. 6 , no. 2, 2017 | |
P. Caputo, F. Martinelli, F.L.Toninelli, Entropic repulsion in | ∇ðœ‘|^p surfaces: a large deviation bound for all p ≥ 1, Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana, vol. 10, num. 3, pp. 451--466 | |
G. Basile, D. Benedetto, L. Bertini, A gradient flow approach to linear Boltzmann equations, Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa - Classe di Scienze. To appear | |
L. Bertini, P. Buttà , A. Pisante, Stochastic Allen-Cahn equation with mobility, NoDEA Nonlinear Differential Equations Appl. 24, 54 (2017) | |
Antonio Blanca, Pietro Caputo, Alistair Sinclair, Eric Vigoda,, Spatial mixing and non-local Markov chains, Random Structures & Algorithms (Conference version appears in SODA 2017) | |
Fischer, Markus, On the connection between symmetric N-player games and mean field games, Ann. Appl. Probab. 27 (2017), no. 2, 757–810 | |
Bianchi, Alessandra; Dommers, Sander; Giardinà , Cristian, Metastability in the reversible inclusion process, Electron. J. Probab. 22 (2017), Paper No. 70, 34 pp. | |
2016 | |
P. Chleboun, A. Faggionato, F. Martinelli, Relaxation to equilibrium of generalized East processes on Z^d: Renormalization group analysis and energy-entropy competition, Ann. of Probability | |
A. Sly, F. Martinelli, E. Lubetzky, Harmonic Pinnacles in the Discrete Gaussian Model, Comm. Math. Phys |