Margarida Melo
Professore Ordinario
Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica
Universita Roma Tre
Largo San Leonardo Murialdo
I-00146 Roma Italy
Phone: +39-06-5733 8227
Fax: +39-06-5733 8072
Email: margarida.melo(at)
Research Interests: Algebraic Geometry: classical and tropical moduli spaces and their compactifications.
Didattica 2024/2025:
Didattica 2023/2024:
Seminar of Geometry at Roma Tre
Travel and Organization of Conferences
Trieste Algebraic Geometry Summer School (TAGSS) 2024, September, 2024, ICTP, Trieste.
Woman in Number Theory and Geometry (WINGs) 2025, March 31- April 3, 2025, UK.
Workshop Enumerative geometry in logarithmic, tropical and real world, SwissMAP Research Station, Les Diablerets, April 14-18, 2025.
Stratifications of Higgs bundle moduli spaces and related topics, Santiago de Compostela, May 5-9, 2025, Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
Harmonies in Moduli Spaces, in occasion of Lucia Caporaso's birthday, June 9-13, 2025, Roma Tre.
Recent trends in Algebraic Geometry, June 15 - 20, 2025, Oberwolfach, Germany.
2025 Summer Research Institute in Algebraic Geometry, July 14 - August 1, 2025, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA.
Past conferences
I am a managing editor at a new open access journal Moduli owned by the Foundation Compositio Mathematica and published with CUP and LMS.
The journal welcomes submissions and the first volume appeared in late 2024.