Articles & preprints

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Articles & Submitted Preprints

[13] Attractive invariant circles a la Chenciner , to appear on Reg. Chaotic. Dyn. 2023 (link to ArXiv)

[12] Local well posedness for a system of quasilinear pdes modelling suspension bridges, with F. Giuliani, F. Iandoli, and R. Feola, submitted 2023 (link to ArXiv)

[11] On the lifespan of solutions and control of high Sobolev norms for the completely resonant NLS on tori, with R. Feola, submitted 2023 (link to ArXiv)

[10] Sub-exponential stability for the beam equation, with R. Feola, Journal of Differential Equations , 2022 (link to ArXiv)

[9] On the fragility of periodic tori for families of symplectic twist maps, with M.-C. Arnaud and A. Sorrentino, Advances in Mathematics 2023 (link to ArXiv)

[8] Analytic smoothing and Nekhoroshev estimates for Hölder steep Hamiltonians, with S. Barbieri and J.-P. Marco, Comm. In Math. Phys. (2022) (Access to article)

[7] Weak Sobolev almost periodic solutions for the 1d NLS, with L. Biasco and M. Procesi, to appear on Duke Math. Journal (2022) (Link to ArXiv)

[6] A note on the construction of Sobolev almost periodic invariant tori for the 1d NLS, with L. Biasco and M. Procesi, Atti Accad. Naz. Lincei Rend. Lincei Mat. Appl. (2020)

[5] Almost-periodic invariant tori for the NLS on the circle, with L. Biasco and M. Procesi, Annales de l’Institut Henri Poicaré C, Analyse Nonlinéaire (2020) (Link to ArXiv),

[4] An abstract Birkhoff Normal Form Theorem and exponential
type stability of the 1d NLS,
(with L. Biasco and M. Procesi ), Comm. In Math. Phys. (2019) [PDF],

[3] Exponential and sub-exponential stabililty times for the NLS on the circle (with L. Biasco and M. Procesi), Atti Accad. Naz. Lincei Rend. Lincei Mat. Appl.  (2018)

[2] A normal form à la Moser for diffeomorphisms and a generalization of Rüssmann’s translated curve theorem to higher dimensions, Analysis & PDE 11-1 (2018), 149–170 [PDF]

[1] Normal forms for perturbations of systems possessing a Diophantine invariant torus, Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 1-47. doi:10.1017/etds.2017.116 (first published online) [PDF]

In preparation

  • Spin-orbit systems with general dissipation (with B. Fayad)

Ph.D thesis

  • Quasi-périodicité et quasi-conservativité [PDF]
    Thèse de doctorat, Observatoire de Paris (Octobre 2015)
    Jury: J. Laskar (président), A. Chenciner et Jacques Féjoz (directeurs), L. Chierchia et J.-P. Marco (rapporteurs), B. Fayad (examinateur)


  • On almost periodic solutions for the nonlinear Schrödinger equation.
    Università degli Studi di Roma Torvergata, December 2017
  • A generalization of Rüssmann’s translated curve theorem to higher dimensions.
    Imperial College, March 2017
  • From Moser’s normal form to a dissipative KAM theory.
    The 11th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications, Orlando, july 2016
  • Normal forms for perturbations of systems possessing a Diophantine invariant torus.
    Warwick Dynamical Systems Workshop, 6-8 june 2016
  • From Moser’s normal form to a dissipative KAM theory.
    Seminario di Fisica Matematica, Univesità Federico II, Naples, april 2016
  • Moser’s normal form and dissipative KAM theory
    Séminaire Géométrie et Systèmes Dynamiques, Institut de Mathématiques de Bourgogne, mars 2016
  • Normal forms for perturbations of systems possessing an invariant Diophantine torus
    Séminaire de Systèmes Dynamiques, Analyse et Géométrie, Avignon, mars 2016
  • Forme normale de Moser et théorie KAM dissipative. Application au problème Spin-Orbite en mécanique céleste
    Séminaire de Géométrie Hamiltonienne, Institut mathématique de Jussieu, janvier 2016
  • Moser’s normal form and applications
    Euler International Mathematical Institute, St. Petersbourg, june 2015
  • Moser’s normal form and dissipative KAM theory
    Séminaire Dynamique et Géométrie, Université Nice Sophia-Antipolis, avril 2015
  • Moser’s normal form and applications
    Seminario Enriques, Universià degli Studi di Milano, octobre 2013
  • Forme normale de Moser et théorie KAM dissipative
    Semaine KAM (Trimestre sur la dynamique des N-corps), Institut Henri Poincaré, sept 2013
  • Variétés invariantes dans les systèmes dissipatifs
    Journées Scientifiques de l’IMCCE, Observatoire de Paris, octobre 2012